Bee Is Back!

Hello, hey, hi! My name is Bee and the Adderall shortage of 2023 has significantly impacted my life. Since we last spoke a lot has transpired, and I do mean a whole hell of a lot. In the spirit of transparency, I had a pretty big Menty B. I switched back to my old job. Decided to pursue traditional publishing. I went off my meds, back on, and off again. I wrote a shit-ton of poetry. I took up longboarding; already broken an arm and been concussed. I quit therapy. I went back to college. Decided to self-publish. Quit the new-old job. Went on a date. I bought seven new plants. Wrote the introduction to a Halloween book. I dropped out of college. And I got another cat!

There is a lot to unpack there and we will. but in typical Bee fashion, let’s start big. Last October was the lowest I’ve been, ever, and sometimes I still feel like I’m working my way back from that one. Before we dive into the crazy, I have a couple of reminders. Please remember that while I share my journey, it is solely mine and not indicative of any group in its entirety. Also, I’m no professional… just a patient with a lot of opinions! Though I do not always make the best decisions myself, I do encourage you all to do what’s right for yourselves and be as healthy as possible. Fortunately for you, some pretty cool organizations have reached out and I’ve added them to the resources page.

Now if you’re dying to know the deets of my latest psych eval you’re going to have to tune in next month though. In the meantime, pleeeeease check out Live Another Day and Detox Local. These are wonderful resources to have at your disposal. I love yall so very much, thanks for bearing with me.

Creatively yours,

Bee Happy, Healthy, Healing.


Menty B


Rap & Poetry: Charlie Luckie