Ryan Reminded Me.

Hey yall! A whole lot has been going on personally, professionally, and just with the world in general. I’ve been meaning to push these blog entries out but somehow they always slide down my to-do list. By now you have probably figured out that I am living with an anxiety disorder. Well the week before last was a rough one. I had a couple rough days which came to a head with the first major panic attack I’ve had in a long while. I took some days off, talked to some folks, read a book, wrote a list, and made a plan. This past week was a thousand times better and I’m feeling good about my productivity.

This time of year is difficult for a lot of people for a lot of different reasons. Especially now, there are a ton of things to be angry, scared, hurt or anxious about. So I’m going to do my part and hopefully provide a small bit of relief and maybe some motivation. While home from work this week I began to knock some projects off my list; one was to touch up and post a video I recorded with Ms. Ryan Knight. Little did I know, this was EXACTLY what the doctor ordered!

It was the first time I’d watched the video since we spoke weeks prior and let me tell you… I smiled and laughed through every single minute! Listening to this conversation provided some crucial reminders that I really needed to hear so the timing could not have been more perfect! Here’s a few things that talking to Ryan reminded me:

  1. Focus on my own journey- My path is one that I am creating, it doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s.

  2. Set boundaries and actually stick to them- In certain aspects of my life I’ve mastered this and my boundaries are like brick walls. I’ve recently realized in other parts (the mom role) I may need a little work. Well, a lot of work.

  3. I’m my own biggest critic- Mustering up the courage to be vulnerable is not easy for me. Trying to “stop worrying and start living” is exhausting to an anxious overthinker like me. Sometimes I literally have to get out of my own way!

Ryan Knight @sheekchic

Ryan Knight is an elementary teacher in Las Vegas AND a model. Ryan’s story inspires me in a big way. She is quite literally the definition of driven. She perseveres despite obstacles and once a goal is met, she’s already prepped and ready for the next. Ryan is unafraid of taking those big leaps and with the length of those legs, I can promise you she’s going far. I am beyond grateful for the chance to converse with such a positive, radiant, inspiring being and I hope that watching this video brings you as much joy as it brought me. 

Creatively yours,

Miss Bee Inspired. Driven. Goal Oriented.


Seeing Red


*When* I die Young