Trigger Warning!!

Being my first blog entry, there is a good chance you’re a friend/family member that feels obligated to read this or you’re here because I pressured you with social media spam. Either way, welcome; and consider this a standing trigger warning. My goal will never be to intentionally belittle or make light of something you struggle with. Neither am I dredging up old stories of the past to point fingers from a place of spite. However, I am going to share my truth in whatever manner feels authentic and therapeutic to me at the moment. We won’t always agree and that’s absolutely okay. If you continue on this journey with me at some point you will undoubtedly be triggered. I am a trigger. I live a wonderfully blessed life that has been littered with more than a fair share of heartbreak, abuse, stupidity, mental instability, financial ignorance and other tragically beautiful missteps that brought me to where I am today. Am I proud of where I am today? Damn right I am!

I’m No Professional, but… That’s the title of this blog. My blog! It’s intentional and serves a purpose. It’s a reminder to readers that this is and always will be based on my opinions and lessons learned not necessarily through formal education, but from my personal experiences. This title also serves as a reminder to myself that I don’t have to be a professional. For a long time, insecurities kept me quiet when my voice could have helped others. My “crazy” told me that I didn’t have the achievements or credentials to advise anyone! I didn’t (and still don’t) have fancy letters after my name; you know those bougie letters I usually have to Google that you get with a long, overly expensive education. I actually believed that made my opinions less worthy. Oh man, what a load of crap!

Don’t get me wrong, I have a great appreciation for people who studied hard, got the degree, and dedicated themselves to their field. Goodness knows I wouldn’t be here sharing my story if it weren’t for a wide range of professionals. Your expertise is invaluable but I have come to realize the value of real life experiences too. I’m guessing this plays a role in why AA and other group therapy settings are so beneficial. Looking back on some of my most difficult struggles or decisions, in addition to professional advice it would have been nice to also hear from someone relatable with first hand knowledge.

Lucky for you, there are many situations in which I can say, “Been there, done that.” Most importantly, I am no longer ashamed to share how I’ve been there and grown from that!

So for now, here is what I need you to do:

  1. Remember that I am no pro. If you are, great! Leave a comment.

  2. If you are in fact in need of professional assistance, find it!! Check out the “Resources” page for everything from my favorite crafters on YouTube, to Instagram yogis, to online medical/mental health pros; I got you covered!

  3. Pay close attention to the letters that follow my name now. I worked extremely hard for them and I’m super proud.

Yall, I write honestly which means the mood of my entries may fluctuate and the content may occasionally be sensitive or triggering to some; you’ve been warned. I’m glad you’re here, let’s do this!

Creatively yours,

Miss Bee Happy, Motivated, Lover of Self




Best Foot Forward = Bullshit